About Us
Clemons Creative Transformation Concepts LLC
(ClemonsCTConcepts), is a Christian online service. We provide Holistic Counsel combined with biblical principles, tools, and resources to assist you in overcoming anxiety, depression, negative self talk, and distractions. We help you stay focus, achieve your goals, and find purpose with clarity. ClemonsCTConcepts was created in honor and remembrance of my nephew, who passed away in 2011 at the youthful age of 21, by a self-inflicted wound. For every negative word spoken to yourself or by others; over time the thoughts can become believable. Creating a virtual safe space to encourage, uplift, and support the Greater You Within. Feeling more empowered..
Look forward to working with you.
A. Clemons, Founder
Our Services:
•Provide online Holistic counsel combined with biblical principles.
•Various consulting methods (counseling, advising, coaching, mentoring) utilized to support total transformation.
•Guide you in your personal, spiritual, and professional endeavors.
•Utilize a variety of resources, tools, and affirmations to help you fight against negativity, imposter syndrome, anxiety, depression and distractions.
***Please see a licensed psychologist or therapist for serious mental health concerns***